Asian Adult Adoptees of Washington is a diverse adoptee community and so to help our members search for resources easily, here are a few subpages where you can visit websites and join Facebook groups for your specific birth country, and connect with other adoptees. AAAW continues to reach out to other organizations and will add/update the pages as we build our network, so keep checking back for updates!
Click this link to see an ongoing document list of adoptee organizations: List of Adoptee Orgs
Adoptee Citizenship
Chinese Adoptees
Filipino Adoptees
Indian Adoptees
Korean Adoptees
Taiwanese Adoptees
Vietnamese Adoptees
Here are a few general adoptee resource groups:
Adoption Mosaic
InterCountry Adoptee Voices
Transracial Adoption
Transracial Adoption Perspectives
Subtle Asian Adoptee Traits
Disclaimer: Please note the groups/organizations mentioned are not directly affiliated with AAAW.