Korean Adoptees

List of Adoptee Orgs

Korean Adoptee Community & Support Orgs in Korea:

Global Overseas Adoptees’ Link

Today, hundreds of adoptees visit and live in Korea. As an adoptee-led organization, our mission first and foremost is to serve the Korean adoptee community both here and abroad.

The mission of the Global Overseas Adoptees’ Link (G.O.A.’L.) organization is to act as a ‘link’ between adult adoptees and their native country by providing services and resources to its members, creating partnerships and collaborating with governmental and nongovernmental organizations while serving the local and greater communities.

1. Promote the native home country’s language and cultural heritage.
2. Provide necessary services and resources to adult adoptees, birth family members and adoptive family members.
3. Enhance the adult adoptee experience.
4. Protect the rights and interests of adoptees.

Networks of Korean Adoptee Community Organizations:

International Korean Adoptee Association

IKAA’s mission is to connect, support, and advocate for the global Korean adoptee community. IKAA connects adoptees and their families by hosting regular gatherings, supports an international leadership network with the tools and resources to build their local capacity, and advocates for the well-being of the global adoptee community through key policy positions and partnerships.

Korean American Adoptee Network
In April 1998, the Korean Consulate in San Francisco and Sacramento-based Friends of Korea co-sponsored a leadership summit that brought together adult adoptees from Korea, adoptive parents, other Korean-Americans, and representatives of the Korean government. Many of the speakers referenced the isolation they felt. A commitment was made to create a nationwide network of individuals and organizations that gathered annually for a conference.

Korean Adoptee Community Orgs in North America:

Arizona – Korean Adult Adoptees of Arizona

California – Association of Korean Adoptees San Francisco

Canada – Asian Adult Adoptees of British Columbia

Canada – Transracial Adoptee Community

Canada – Asian Adoptees of Canada

District of Columbia – Adoption Links DC

Hawai’i – Korean Adoptees of Hawai’i

Illinois – Korean Adoptees of Chicago

Massachusettes – Boston Korean Adoptees Inc.

Michigan – West Michigan Adoptees – Contact Jackie Frens at jaclynfre@gmail.com

Minnesota – AK Connection

Nebraska – Nebraska Korean Adoptees

New York – Also Known As

Oregon – Adult Korean Adoptees of Portland

Pennsylvania – Korean Adoptee Association of Philadelphia

Utah – Utah Korean Adoptees

Korean Adoptee Community Orgs in Australia & Europe:

Australia – Korean Adoptees in Australia Network

Belgium – Belgium Adoptees from Korea

Denmark – Korea Klubben

France – Racines Coréennes

Germany – Koreanische Adoptierte Deutschland e.V.

Italy – Associazione Culturale Koreani Italiani Adottivi

Netherlands – Arierang

Sweden – Adopterade Koreaners Förening

Navigate to Additional Resource Pages:
Adoptee Citizenship
Chinese Adoptees
Indian Adoptees
Filipino Adoptees
Taiwanese Adoptees
Vietnamese Adoptees